
Introduction to our New Website

Beddington Farmlands is a nature reserve in South London, situated along the Wandle Valley, a couple of miles west of Croydon and approximately 10 miles south of Central London. For well over 100 years, the site’s location and range of habitats has made it a hotspot for nature. Read more about it’s history HERE.

This website will be primarily for wildlife sightings, which will be updated as close to daily as possible. For any sightings you would like to submit to us, please email us at beddingtonfarmlands.sightings@gmail.com (though there is no necessity to report everything you see, anything can still be reported and will most likely be added to the daily blogs). Where possible, a count for each species reported is preferred to just a list of species names without numbers.

In addition to birds we appreciate any wildlife being reported. More data regarding other taxa will help to maximise the overall understanding of the site and it’s progress as a nature reserve.

Many visiting birders also submit bird sightings online to Birdtrack or eBird – Beddington and several other nearby locations having their own eBird ‘hotspot’, which can be viewed here. These are excellent resources for documenting sightings for individuals as well as specific places. We recommend, to save volunteers’ time, also forwarding sightings to our email as well as using these online tools – sharing a link to an online checklist is absolutely fine!

To find out what you could see on your visit please browse past records on our blog posts or have a look on our “Planning Your Visit Page“.

We hope this website is useful and enables more to profit from one of the best spots for urban birding in London.